Drive-by truthing with Alex Ansary (2008)
Taking the truth to the streets of Portland, Oregon in 2008.
Taking the truth to the streets of Portland, Oregon in 2008.
(Originally punished on August 28th, 2008)
Nothing in this universe stays the same, and even our own lives appear to be going through cycles, some of them dramatic, just like our world. A deeper level of joy and understanding comes from accepting some of the realities of this dimension and being able to objectively look at all the information without becoming emotionally out of balance or depressed. The real challenge lies in our ability to overcome any feelings of powerlessness or worthlessness and I feel our strength is greater than what we are currently aware of. I suspect we all have much to learn about the other dimensions of strength that are beyond the realm of the physical.
Those delusions about our collective lack of power come from our culture and world of mass media which is constantly bombarding our subconscious mind with feelings of lack or loss unless we assimilate our behavior, personality, and appearance only to move on to consume a particular product, idea, or belief system. For most members of this “society,” the information about how the global elite is destroying sectors of our planet and our traditional cultures is hard to deal with because it’s traumatizing and upsetting. It rocks their world view about how the power structure is set up. It brings up some of their prized belief systems about not only their leaders, but about themselves and where they are going in their own lives. This pain needs to be looked at instead of disregarded for another pill, drink, smoke, pair of shoes, car, trip, movie, etc. Without this internal alarm system, how would we even know that something is wrong in the body? How would we know that the stove that we accidentally just put our hand on is burning the skin on our palm? We wouldn’t. Pain is the very thing that can shock people into making a change in the world. If we numb our instincts and overly mechanize our actions and feelings, aren’t we becoming less human and more robotic? By being more aware of our feelings and warning systems in the body, we have a greater chance of surviving the modern urban jungle, present day Babylon.
We live in a country of abundance and overindulgence. The challenge is getting the monkey off our back and in this case, the addiction to constantly feeling good all of the time. We are living in the age where material wealth and your ability to get what you want – when you want it appears to some people to be a reflection of someone attaining a high level of spiritually based upon their ability to manifest things for themselves and their ability to smile ear to ear at the spa while bombs are dropping on villages somewhere else. It comes down to an obsession with the self, particularly a deep attachment to physical pleasure. At times, it reminds me of the controlled scientific experiments where mice would be wired and set up to administer themselves doses of pleasure enhancing drugs by hitting a button over and over. Their addiction to the dopamine producing drug eventually caused their own deaths. I see this country coexisting in a bubble with people living in a reality not too different than the movie, ‘The Truman Show’. Is America living in a similar experiment on a level that we don’t fully see yet?
In the coming years, the old structures and old ideas need to be removed from the planet as well as the old energy itself. In the new age / metaphysical movement, the misconception that a lot of people have is that the shift will be a gentle and light one, full of pleasure, and that exposing the darkness of the world gives the evil ones more power. This is a narrow perspective of how the universe works and a misunderstanding of the law of attraction that many in the world claim to be an expert on. What they are doing is like looking at the stars in the sky through the lens of a McDonalds straw.
There is so much more to see about this reality.
I see a world where the way to the solution is to first begin speaking out about the problem, so that there is awareness of it. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of the light and what we are doing is shinning the spotlight on the shadows that people couldn’t see before as angels in human bodies are being called to awaken and begin activation. How can a cure for a disease be found unless the primary root cause of the problem has been discovered? How can we connect the dots until we take the time to open our awareness to each individual dot, no matter what we find? What we need is a greater understanding of the universal laws of cause and effect.
If we are to change the world as we know it, then our consciousness has to be higher than the consciousness that created the problem that we are sitting in right now. A lot of people have an unseen psychic potential deep inside of themselves; it’s where our powerful human imagination seems to draw from at times. Unfortunately, people are very attached to certain belief systems and outcomes in the future. This can disrupt any information trying to come through from source because the mind shields itself from ideas that may appear to run contrary to their current operating system. But many cannot run from the feelings they are having inside and the dreams and visions at night. There is something to this awakening of not only what’s wrong but who we are.
The more that part of us is suppressed, the more inner turmoil is experienced. We also have to admit that the systems of control didn’t build their supercomputer run police state nightmare overnight. It took some time to build and it’s going to take some time to remove. That cannot happen without consciousness raising to the point of being able to face the reality that there are dark demonic forces in our world projecting layers of deceptions on the human population to keep in a state on mental, physical, and spiritual bondage.
When I look at the world today and see the chaos and shake up in relationships from the macrocosm to the microcosm, I can’t help but wonder what changes are taking place in the human body and where it’s coming from. When we step back and take a look at the big picture with loving compassion and without fear of what will happen to us, our understanding and empathy increases.
When we can learn to breathe, face reality as it is with an attitude of non attachment and equanimity, our awareness expands. It’s time to get as honest as we can about what we need to change about ourselves so we can be that much more effective at changing the world. In the end truth is self evident. It is a lie that needs an argument. There is no army that can stop an idea whose time has come.
And there are MANY more ideas to discover..and explore.
John Gallagher talks you on a walking tour of wild edible and medicinal plants of the pacific northwest. This video series was filmed and edited by Alex Ansary in 2008 and shot in Duvall, Washington. John is a instructor at the Wilderness Awareness School.
(Originally published on June 4, 2008)
And that is EXACTLY what this feels like. How can anyone tell me this is the real world? I think the real world created this one. That’s what really fascinates me. I mean, I’m literally living in the twilight zone where TO THINK is to stand out looking like a freak. I cannot assimilate myself into this world any deeper than I have already been pressured to. Insanity is not a road I am seeking in this life. It’s like nails on the chalk board. No, wait… It’s worse. It’s like getting food poisoning, or maybe… like getting hit with one of Raytheon’s new pain ray toys! Yeah, that’s the ticket!
If we are to survive the coming changes, we must be prepared to go through the emotional fire and that goes against the social engineering and mind control. I simply want to be the fish swimming upstream. I yearn to follow my true nature. We were all born to be free and living in a world that goes again those principles literally makes us sick to our stomach. BTW, please pass me the bucket, I gotta pause for a sec.
I think about how mad this world has become and I think of romance. Where did it go? Another world out there beyond the doom and gloom perhaps? A nice reprieve from the insanity?
I think about the woman I love a lot, even though her feelings for me are a bit different. I read about the horrors of the the world, the rapes, the killings, the callous nature of big brother. I just want to defend and protect something right now (as the world’s become a threatening place). I’m a bit alarmed at how quickly it’s all escalated. Well…. in my ventures in that world of romance, I keep seeing the mind numbing signs that I have to dumb myself down just a bit to have a special moment with someone, be it romantic, friendly, or otherwise. In other words, self censorship. Out of the right brain, and into the left brain. Ahhhh…. Just like the workplace, how nice! The truth is that the things I share with people scare them silly and make them feel just plain uncomfortable. My reality is a bit much for most people. It’s like I got an energy field around me that’s a wee bit on the intense side. It hurts inside because I want to protect the weak. Its like a double edged blade that twists on the way out. Hmmmm, I’m no super hero but this sure sounds like a weird comic book plot. Only it’s not.
I will not change however, for my life does not exist to have the right mate, or companions, supporters, family. I am called to do greater things than have a ball on Broadway while getting my rocks off. There’s something larger at hand. I want to wake up MEN AND WOMEN. I want to see our species be happy, to truly see loving unions between our sexes, races, and other illusionary separations that we seem to think are real. I want to see the love vibration extend itself in such a dramatic way that the darkness engulfing this planet cannot sustain itself. In other words, its not humanity or life that needs to leave the planet, its the old energy that must be washed away by the incoming tsumani of great change. I’ve been ranting about that for a while now, and I’m not alone.
At the same time, I don’t want to simulate drugging myself by signing up to the latest new age seminar where nothing about the real world is discussed. I want be around true LIGHT WORKERS that understand that happiness really CAN come from helping others in ADDITION to the meditation sessions and other methods of raising our energy. I don’t want to live a life bouncing from self help book to self help group just focused on Alex and what’s up with him. Been there, done that. It’s not fulfilling. That is so 1995! (I did that stuff back when I was 15 or so). No, I’m not into the bench warming or self seeking bubbly enlightenment that requires no ACTION or PARTICIPATION in life. My purpose is to shatter the enslaving bubbles around people so that they may understand the architecture of the cage they live in. This way they can find the DOOR out or at least begin the process of finding the door. We need to identify a problem first before we can fix something. Coming to terms with how corrupt the system is is nearly impossible when you are in competition with certain male functional belief systems. (AKA operating systems).
I choose to live a reality of TRUTH TELLING out of compassion. To me, that is a much larger piece of walking the spiritual path. We are the watchmen. I don’t want to leave my brothers and sisters drooling on the side of the road eating a government hand out bag of GMO corn chips, drinking fluoridated NESTLE tap water to survive as they wait for FEMA to arrive and save them from themselves ( I mean question, detain, slap, tag, and vaccinate them). The poor things have had their minds raped at different levels of the psychological spectrum of thought! DOESN’T ANYONE IN THE WORLD CARE?! Ok. I’m ranting now. Back to the point.
The reality is I am not alone. You can see much of what I see. There must be something said about living a reality where you can peer into the future, beyond the stars, and begin to connect with who you really are WHILE living the American nightmare as you prepare yourself for the days of urban survival that are waiting in the wings. I mean, we can SEE so much! Why are we here NOW at this time in history?
I look down upon the present day valley of death as I realize that I am a modern day peasant in an increasingly high tech kingdom of terror and destruction. I can hear the horsemen of doom galloping on their genetically modified horse monsters as they unleash their swords (bioweapons) and prepare for the kill. They have come for blood. Our blood. We are still seeking to identify who is really behind this mess. Meanwhile my primitive, spiritual, and intuitive defense of the species must go on to tackle a world where the consensus reality of consumeristic insanity is living off the bones of the dying world and calling it ‘living.’ That is not living. This is a death culture and we are now growing physically sick of it all.
I want change and I want it now. I will never give up because I feel like this is what it means to be alive. To defend. To love. To heal. To speak up for what’s right. It’s all I know, that’s the truth and I think it’s for a reason…. No one can wake me from this dream but myself. I will get to that point, when I take the right steps in my life and same goes for you.
Alex Ansary talks with Chris Everard about the subjects in his documentary films featured at
Alex speaks with John Taylor Gatto about his experience teaching in the public governmental school system.
Alex speaks with Debra Garcia about her documentary film, ‘The Future of Food.’ This is an excerpt from Outside the Box TV #96.
Recorded LIVE 04/05/07 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
Freeman is the host of the Freeman Perspective. His website is This is an excerpt from Outside the Box TV #113.
Recorded LIVE 08/09/07 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
See Also:
Alex Ansary caught up with the busy David Ray Griffin during his current speaking tour. His latest book, ‘Debunking 911 Dubunking’, is a response to the growing number of hit pieces that have targeted the 911 Truth Movement.
Produced 05/21/11 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
Alex on some of his philosophies on life in the box and the beauty outside of it.
John Major Jenkins shared his perspective on the galactic alignment of December 21st, 2012 and his research into Mayan Cosmology. This is an excerpt from Outside the Box TV #121.
Recorded 09/27/07 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
Recorded LIVE 11/08/07 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
Bruce talks about his book, ‘The Biology of Belief’ and the real science behind the concept that our mental state can affect our genetics. This is an excerpt from Outside the Box TV #121.
Recorded LIVE in 2007 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
George Green talks with Alex about the dangers he seems coming in the future regarding nuclear warfare and the new world order. His website is This is an excerpt from Outside the Box TV #196.
Peter Farley shares his perspective on the spiritual dimension and what he thinks is happening to humanity today. His website is This is an excerpt from Outside the Box #116.
Recorded LIVE 08/30/07 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).
This is an excerpt from OTBTV 93 – Recorded in 2007 in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Alex talks with Dr. Robert Duncan, an expert on mind control technology and artificial intelligence.