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Update on my Life, and moving on from Social Media


Alex Ansary -March 18, 2021 – I have been on spiritual retreat away from the internet, continuing to study spiritual literature, the many ideas expressed by the late Philip K. Dick, as well as a return to the specific study of Buddhist principles, practicing various meditations as I backpack around various areas of the state. As the world was being conditioned through circumstance to spend MORE of their time online and in fear, of civilizations collapse with Covid, I choose another way of living and spending my time. The videos and posts are on permanent hiatus so that I can focus on new experiences beyond what I already have as the new solar cycle 25 begins (2021-2025). I quit consuming all forms of social media and internet news as I strive to keep my mind as clear as possible. This incredible period of change ahead may enlighten some souls while others go insane. My ideas of this present and incoming time period of energetic turbulence were expressed in the final uploads on solar flares. This new cycle is one that we have slowly been entering since last year and will see more of this year and into 2022. I do believe the internet is a tool used to manipulate minds and belief systems (on all sides and including many people) so we will continue to various forms of mass manipulation through technology. This was one of many reoccurring subjects that I often discussed alongside a need to exist without relying on it.

For years, I speculated about events after 2020 and always spoke of a desire to be off grid from the need to be online or updated on various things and now I’m offline for longer amounts of time. I am seeking to start anew on some personal life goals and am not taking YouTube, email, or social media along for the ride. I hope that clears up some confusion about the lack of new content. I did previously elude to this upcoming way of life for myself as far back at 10 years ago in the earlier episodes of OTBTV, i.e. a time of moving on from this way of life and not doing this forever. Leaving my cable access show in my hometown was one step that came when it was time. Going off grid in rural America was another step forward. Things end and begin in cycles. Exercise is a more constant focus next to personal spiritual studies. One must empty their cup in order for it to be filled again and sometimes a vow of meditation is needed to see as clearly as possible, free of attachments or delusions either personal or that of the world.

Also, not everything has a conspiratorial explanation while many those things that that do are often ignored. Spiritual understandings are ones to naturally come to realize and experience rather than hearing it from someone else or speaking of it to others. Things happen in our own lives for a reason to teach us something. I have been busy paying attention to the many clues available in this world. We only live once (in these bodies) so let’s diversify what we do, how we communicate, and what we focus because we are all here in this time period for a reason.

I have been renouncing many things (of this fallen world) that range from the the material path to renouncing the idea that it’s my job to express certain ideas or concepts (forever). It is the job of many to do what they can do to make the world a better or more informed society to hopefully see some improvements in this reality and future generations. I know the rest of my job happens to be within, not something uploaded to the mega grid of all that is, the internet.

We all have personal work to do to evolve beyond this realm. It can be taxing to one’s happiness and energy to be persistently talking about world wars, possible dangers, invasions, human tensions, supernatural entities, natural disasters, apocalypse survival, etc. Such obsessions may even attach someone to this world when they conditioned to fear for it (and this civilization). I will not be found staying stuck like a broken record on social media websites (like YouTube and others). I know that many of you will understand my path having shared my ideas on spiritual evolution and the trappings of this world.

Remember, this technology that’s surpassing our humanity was not around or needed as our ancestors survived without it. You may notice others going off grid (from the internet specifically) in order to experience life without it. Throughout time, countless humans reset their focus and way of life. . It has always been in the nature of humankind to move on from ways of living to experience something new. Who knows, maybe one day it will be you as all things change under the Sun, for better or for worse depending on the current level of consciousness being expressed at that very moment. In the end, it’s the individual positive changes we make in our own lives that will get us through this time period and lifetimes, not the life or experiences of another, let alone anyone or anything on the internet.



Solar Flares and Human Potential when the SHTF



Alexander Chizhevsky was one of the first to hypothesize that solar storms drive humanity mad and often into battles and bloody conflicts as he examined 2500 years of solar cycles and periods of war and peace. A mounting body of scientific evidence now suggests the Sun affects more than our weather adding credence to his early 20th century discovery.

For over a decade, I have been gathering data on the effects of the Sun over human consciousness and will soon be sharing new information on the new Caltech study which confirms evidence that humans do indeed sense and respond to changes in magnetic fields.

What does this mean for humanity as our planet’s weakening magnetic field shifts opens our world up further to the effects of the Sun?

How might the global ‘powers that be’ be covertly manipulating world affairs strategically aligned with particular phases of the solar cycle in order to control the direction of society? Will the United States go to war with China and Russia near the peak of solar cycle 25?

Is there anything we can do during these times to mediate the effects of solar flares on the human body?

The power of collective prayer and thought is widely believed to have a effect on reality but what if that ability was focused in specific ways during a geomagnetic storm to try and affect an outcome like the survival of the group or another specific outcome?

My commentary and opinions are continuing today where those that came before me left off with a unique way of connecting the Sun with everything that happens under the Sun in our world today.

This information compliments years of late night radio programs that have already been covering various mysteries of our world from the Sun, to the quest for evidence of intelligence life beyond our own, to various theories on how the powers that be maintain their control over earth…whoever they really are.

My ebook connects dots not previously connected and this info comes as we approach the dawn of solar cycle 25 as we sit in the quiet before the storm in our current deep solar minimum.

Navigating safely through the Solar Wars of the 2020s as Magnetic Field Reversal Amplifies Threats to the Power Grid

Could today’s advancement of solar research and what we know about its effects on human consciousness and collective synchronization be turned to in a time of emergency or invasion?

A collective synchronization of thought has previously been documented in various studies including one from Princeton University. It’s been suggested that the human emotion of fear during the 9/11/01 attacks may have influenced the earth’s magnetic field during the actual moments of the ‘attack’.

What if this powerful energy was focused rather than a river uncontrolled reactionary emotion from the madness of crowds?

Human myth is rich with folktales of collective efforts making noticeable changes in society. Dion Fortune’s magical battle of Britain describes a collective of humans fusing their mental and spiritual energies together to counter the black magic of the Nazis of World War II operating out of their own castle grey-skull in Germany.

Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM would speak often of this collective force and what he believed it could do. In fact he said it scared him so he said he never experimented again with the power of the collective.

How might the human collective already be shaping reality ‘as it is’ whether they believe they are or not?

The miracle humanity may create for itself in the future will likely include a focus on harnessing the power of the Sun in order to heal ourselves and ultimately to survive the coming challenges that we will likely face down on the ground in the human world after grid collapse. The Sun will be shown to continue to provide for the human species if it’s behavior in the future does fry every computer chip on earth.

I propose that the ‘powers that be’ specialize in projecting their twisted world view into our world thus a collapse of this system is their fear. Humanity is responsible for reconnecting back with the giver of all life here on earth without fear of catching some disease.

Alexander Chizhevsky takes us outside the box and into the world of pattern recognition with his studies during WW1 on the known links between solar cycles and wars. With this template of an understanding, like new updated operating software within the hardwired body mind machine, we can see today what he saw then while monitoring the Sun with totally new means of real time digital monitoring.

I perceive the ‘powers that be’ to be engaging in a global conspiracy to stage manage the next third world war (#ww3) and “they” may not be planning for the US to have a victory, at least not right away. In 2013, I gave a solar cycle geopolitical forecast at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia, PA that this conflict would likely be engineered near the peak of the upcoming solar cycle 25.

Today the peak is estimated to occur in the time range between 2023-2026.

2025 has been a central time frame of focus for not only myself but the world powers that are preparing new high tech weapons for this conflict.

Today’s debates over gun laws was also spoken of in that 2013 presentation as another form of controlled division over the people used to distract and drain societies energy.

While some may scoff at the use of the term ‘collectivist’ to describe themselves, the irony is that the large scale political left / right groups in operation today often falsely call anyone that doesn’t agree with them their political enemy. That is collective group think and its more mainstream than what the average human will admit at present.

I sense this is why propaganda, social engineering programs, wars, and other controlled events are orchestrated during solar peaks (solar maximum) in order to capture our energy and imagination and if turned evil, ultimately our souls. The battle for our soul is escalating through world events that are aimed to control or influence human reactions.

Waking up to this kind of reality can also show someone the current nature of spiritual deception over the collective body of mankind. Speaking about it to others can be problematic. Sci-fi

Humanity as a focused force can deliver the knockout blow to the dark grid.

This kind of situation can be compared to Murdock being stalked by the ‘Strangers’ (archons) in the 1998 Dark City movie as he walked alone in a sleeping metropolis as the clock hand of time came to a deal stop. He found himself wide awake in his own artificial reality and thus hunted as a result for the powers of his mind became very attractive to the strangers. In the Matrix movie, Neo wakes up screaming in a futuristic human slave pod as wakes up in the real world. Truman awakens to the unusual patterns in his reality and attempts to seek to escape his own white picket fence fashioned nightmare and finally see the land of ‘Fiji’ for himself if only the world would stop trying to stop him. Each of the characters goes though their own tribulation to become the powerful beings that they are.

My personal life has always had strange encounters with, what at times, I have perceived to be the paranorma. It wouldn’t be after the release of my 2013 solar flare talk and my 2017 ebook (especially) that attempts to cause turmoil or drama manifested at a rate not previously witnessed while back reporting for a decade in Portland. It’s now my understanding that I have been tested up until this point and it’s not over. I am going through the age old tradition of demonstrating what my core values, ideas and message is even if the concepts are still a bit confusing, frightening or too unbelievable to the mainstream prototype personality.

Now I see the potential events closing in as we cross the threshold into our new 2020 vision, I feel my role is to give people the tools they need to truly weather the coming space weather of our lives.

Humanity can likely create a powerful miracle for itself through focused intention at the same time, on the same thing, and during intensive geomagnetic storms and or other events.

I’m putting the bullseye on the solar storms for the good people of earth that might be able to do something better with the knowledge of the solar influence over human affairs than the ‘powers that be’ are doing with it. As far as I’m concerned the bad guys in both human and non human form, are fully aware of how the human biological system really works. I have always felt like I could see what they see or are plotting to do to humanity in the archonic grand chessboard in the harvest for souls.

In my own life, I have felt strong connection to flashing internal images of the Sun’s activity, also interpreted in the past as a vision of watching a Sun go into hyperactivity over a red sky while looking down from a hill at a violent world of chaos and conflict. Today all my life’s experiences and perspectives are coming together as we approach the beginning of Solar cycle 25 in only a few years time.

Several studies produced after my ebook was written deserve a brief mention. In 1967 a solar storm almost triggered war between Russia and the United States when it was believed that the blackout was caused by a military attack. Could this happen again?

Also, between 1958 and 1962, the US government found they could affect the earth’s magnetic field in small subtle ways by blowing things up in the upper atmosphere. However additional studies seem unavailable. What did they discover that they didn’t tell us?

It is now in 2019 that Caltech and the University of Tokyo has found scientific evidence between brainwave states and changes in magnetism in the environment and this validates years of commentary on this subject and continues to pave the wave for more studies in the future as humanity reawakens to its true connection to the cosmos.

The SOLUTION is the INDIVIDUAL Shift in Consciousness


There’s the collective and then there’s the individual shift in consciousness from your own mountain top on earth.

Theres going off the grid in Colorado for normal folks…THEN there’s GOING OFF THE GRID consciousness from the high mind collective. And YOU can be anywhere for THAT.

What you Need to Know about our Future Beyond the Solar Flare Event


5 years ago I interviewed Matthew Stein author of When Technology Fails about the Solar Flare / EMP / Endgame from a survival / bug out perspective. 5 years later and living in full isolation from even the people that have benefited from my content and warnings, there’s more you need to know about our future after the grid goes down.

Are We Witnessing the Start of Solar Cycle 25?



What’s up with the Sun? As we’ve said previous, what the Sun isn’t doing is the big news of 2018 in solar astronomy. Now, the Sun sent us another curveball this past weekend, with the strange tale of growing sunspot AR 2720.

We’re currently headed towards a solar minimum, forecasted to arrive in 2019 as the Sun switches over from Solar Cycle 24 to Solar Cycle 25. The Sun goes through 11-year cycles, during which solar activity increases and ebbs in a somewhat predictable fashion. Tracking this activity goes all the way back to the start of the first solar cycle in 1755. Today, simple sketching and counting of sunspot numbers has given way to ground and space-based operations that monitor the Sun around the clock.

As a technology dependent society, it’s important to know what the Sun is doing. Solar flares can spell a bad day for GPS, satellites, and astronauts currently in space. Even airline crew and passengers get a markedly higher dose of radiation during solar storms, especially during polar-crossing, trans-oceanic flights. And an event such as the 1859 Carrington Super-flare would wreak havoc today.

As it comes to a close, Solar Cycle 24 is now the most scrutinized period in solar astronomy… but it has been anything but normal. First, the transition period from Solar Cycle 24 to Solar Cycle 25 was deep and profound, the deepest in over a century. 2008 featured 268 spotless days, and when Cycle 24 finally arrived it was sputtering and lackluster at best, only producing a few notable sunspots.

Now, the transition from cycle 24 to 25 is on track to top that, with 132 spotless days on the Earthward face of Sol already as of August 29th or 55% of the time, leaving some solar astronomers to propose that if the trend continues, Solar Cycle #25 may be missing in action all together…

Or will it?

The growth of active sunspot region AR 2720 defied the overall trend for 2018 before it rotated around the solar limb and out of view, begging the question: has solar cycle #25 arrived? As a huge ball of gas, the Sun does not rotate uniformly, but instead, spins on its axis once every 34 days near its poles, and 25 days near the solar equator.

Two factors come into play with identifying that a new solar cycle is indeed underway: the appearance of new sunspots at relatively high solar latitudes, and the reversal of the Sun’s magnetic field.

The first factor can be seen observationally in white light over the span of a solar cycle, and was first identified by Richard Carrington in 1861 and later refined by Gustav Spörer, in a law that now bears his name. Chart out the appearance of sunspots over time by latitude, Spörer noticed, and you get a tidy ‘butterfly graph’ depicting the 11-year solar cycle from minimum to maximum.

Sporer's Law

An updated ‘butterfly graph’ of successive solar cycles long term, depicting Sporer’s Law. Credit: NASA/MSFC/Solar Physics division.

The second piece of the puzzle had to wait for the arrival of 20th century technology for astronomers to uncover it. It was known throughout the 19thcentury that there was a magnetic component to the Sun, as displayed by the electromagnetic havoc and enhanced auroral activity that solar storms could induce on Earth. In 1908, George Ellery Hale—a pioneer in American astronomy—used the newly installed 60-foot solar tower telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory to note that spicule swirls around sunspot pairs rotated in opposite directions, much like metal fibers on a sheet of paper in the presence of a magnetic field in high school science class.

Solar Sketch

Early faculae sketches and images by George Hale from 1892, done from Hale’s Kenwood Observatory in Chicago. Credit: Carnegie Astronomy.

Hale used the 9-meter Littrow spectrograph attached to the solar tower telescope to exploit what’s known as the Zeeman effect—where a sunspot spectrum shows either a split or a broadening, evidence of its polarity—to deduce the magnetic field of the given spot. Hale showed that the Sun actually reverses its robust magnetic field every solar cycle, and the reversal period of 22 years whereas the same hemisphere returns to the same cycle is known as the Hale Cycle.

Likewise, sunspot pairs in the northern or southern hemisphere of the Sun show up as reversed in opposition to each other on magnetograms, showing spatial movement of the magnetic fields within the sunspot group, with one dark segment (south polarity, moving inward) and one bright segment (north polarity, moving outward). Remember that swirling action that Hale noted? Well, looking at the magnetogram of a given sunspot, you see either the bright spot leading or trailing the group versus solar rotation, and this flips when the Sun’s poles reverse every solar cycle.

Horace Babcock built and installed the first true magnetogram imager on the 150-foot solar telescope on 1957, allowing him to take the first true magnetogram TV image of the Sun, which took the device about an hour to produce.

Which brings us back to the curious case of sunspot active region 2720. It was indeed showing a bright leading edge matching its southern counterpart (such mixing isn’t uncommon around the time the solar cycle flips) a strike in the ‘for’ category, but its latitude is still pretty low, a strike against. Another anomalous spot seen this past April also seems to have belonged to the next solar cycle.

One thing is for certain: the Sun is a fascinating subject of study, and will continue to surprise. Keep those solar filters handy, watch those magnetograms online, and we’ll see what AR 2720 does when it comes back ’round the solar limb in about 12 days.

(Our thanks to astronomer Karl Battams at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory helping us explain the process of identifying a sunspot’s solar cycle membership!)


What is Our Soul’s Purpose within this Physical Reality?


Alex Ansary on finding our true purpose in this matrix which in some cases is discovering also what we don’t want to do while living here on earth.

It’s the Compassion that Defines our Humanity and Soul’s Expression


What’s often missings from humanity today is a sign of concern for those being wiped off face of the earth forever.

Human Population Centers (cities) are Magnets for Spiritual Parasites


I believe everything happens for a reason including the experiences that we have.

Will Geomagnetic Reversal Effects Cause a Worldwide Blackout?


Geomagnetic reversal effects are natural and spectacular, but they could also destroy the world as we know it.


While that may sound dramatic, renowned science journalist Alanna Mitchell’s book “The Spinning Magnet revealed that the next time Earth’s magnetic field flips, it could seriously damage the electric infrastructure that defines our modern civilization.

What is an Electromagnetic Field?

While magnetism is fascinating, it has also been historically misunderstood. According to Physics.org, Earth’s magnetic field exists because the planet’s solid iron core is surrounded by liquid metal.

According to NASA, the flow of liquid iron in Earth’s core creates electric currents that generate the magnetic field. This electromagnetic field provides an invisible shield that blocks solar and cosmic rays.

Flip-flopping Poles

Earth’s magnetic poles have reversed many times in the past, but scientists can’t predict when the next reversal will occur. In other words, a magnetic field flip is coming, we just don’t know when.

To find evidence of the magnetic past, scientists examine ancient rocks. Certain minerals in lava flows are sensitive to Earth’s magnetic field as the lava cools; scientists analyze the rock samples to uncover a record of Earth’s magnetic field, according to National Geographic.

Scientific American noted that in the past 200 million years, reversals have taken place approximately every half-million years. The last reversal happened around 780,000 years ago, so we’re due for a flip.


Potential Geomagnetic Reversal Effects

What are the potential outcomes of swapped North and South Poles? Compass needles would be wrong, and animals that use Earth’s magnetic field for navigation — such as birds, salmon, sea turtles, whales and butterflies — could get temporarily disoriented, according to National Geographic.

Mitchell warns that a reversal could destroy anything electronic, including home appliances, satellites, wireless devices and the electric grids that make all these items work.

In an essay on Undark.org, Mitchell wrote, “We have blithely built our civilization’s critical infrastructure during a time when the planet’s magnetic field was relatively strong, not accounting for the field’s bent for anarchy.”

With a weak electromagnetic field, radiation from space could possibly make some regions of Earth uninhabitable and cause entire species to go extinct. But first, according to Mitchell, we would have problems with sensitive orbiting satellites, which control electric grids and could cause “a domino run of blackouts that could last for decades.”

What Does the Future Hold?

The good news is that we have plenty of time to prepare. The bad news? The magnetic field is much weaker, as low as a tenth of its normal strength, according to Futurism. A gradual change could mean that we’ll have years without the invisible protective shield between Earth and space.

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. We don’t know whether this will occur in our lifetime. Even if it does, the flip could take hundreds of years, and geomagnetic reversal effects would be mostly gradual.

Related video from Alex Ansary:

How Solar Flares Affect Human Mental Health and Consciousness


In today’s Outside the Box TV (#OTBTV) youtube video Alex Ansary reads a section from the book Solar Revolution.

Where Will We Be in Ten Years?


In today’s Outside the Box TV (#OTBTV) youtube video Alex Ansary asks where will we be in ten years time.

Crisis in our Lives has the Potential to Wake Us Up


In today’s Outside the Box TV (#OTBTV) youtube video Alex Ansary discusses crisis in our lives.

Urban Survival Kit: Top 8 Items You Need in Your Bag


When we head out into the wild, its a smart idea  to bring emergency situation products in the chance we might run right into problem.


Urban setups have their very own one-of-a-kind difficulties and also threats, also on an excellent day. To boost your possibilities of urban survival in an emergency situation, stock up on these 8 items and hope you never ever require them.


1. Flashlight

Power outages can leave a lot of people in the dark so make sure you have a good quality flashlight. Make sure you have a backup, solare would be useless in a night time blackout, I would suggest having a hand crank flashlight.

2. First Aid Kit

In an emergency situation chances are you will need medical supplies. Keep a well stocked in date first aid kit. I would recommend one for the vehicle and one for the house. There are a frustrating variety of choices available varying from sets with standard basics such as plasters and  gauze to advanced choices utilized experienced first aiders. Choose one you are familiar with.

3. Water

Keeping clean drinking water or a filtration device for emergency situations should be to priority. Chances are if there is an urban survival situation the waters could become contaminated.

4. Knife

In an urban survival environment you could draw a lot of unwanted attention carrying around a machete, don’t. Instead find knife that is easily concealed like a folding knife or credit card knife. This can also act as a self defense tool.

5. Multi-Tool

Multi tools are my savior, I carry these with me everywhere I go. The come in all shapes and size’s, from knives to pliers and even rescue cards that fit right in your wallet. A good multi-tool will have all the most important tools. A multi-functional tool can go places where most tools can’t .

6. MRE – Meal Ready to Eat

It’s a good idea to keep long life food MRE’s are perfect for this type of situation and you can make these yourself. Canning and jarring food as well as dehydration is a great way to keep food long term.

7. Radio

A small emergency radio can be life saving in disastrous weather situations and is still the most reliable form of communication in a grid down situation.

8. Weapon

Things can get a little crazy when shtf, having a weapon may be life saving even if you don’t have to use it. This can intimidate and fend off potential threats. Gun would be my first choice, I also keep a length of HV cable, this simple piece off equipment can do so many things, the sheer weight for size makes it easy to swing but has a devastating blow! and its even an emergency glass breaker.

Conclusion: Remember these are our top 7 choices, there are still many items that you would need in an emergency  urban survival situation. But with these items you will already be well prepared.

Are the Billionaire Elite Bugging Out to SURVIVE a Pole Shift SHTF Scenario?


Signs indicate that the elite are preparing to bug out to particular locations in the US in the event of a major disaster be it world war or something as extreme as a pole shift.