Alex speaks with Eve Lorgen about her research into alien interference in human relationships. gRecorded on March 06, 2015 in Portland, Oregon, USA. Her website is
“Cupid can take the form of extraterrestrials, angel watchers, troll spirits, or reptilians. Through several case histories and identifiable signs and symptoms, Eve Lorgen introduces a new understanding of mystically connected love relationships gone wrong. She challenges readers to enhance their awareness of the possibility of relationship interference and manipulated psychic connections, and offers practical tools for recognizing, dealing with, and healing from these traumatic soul mate connections. Whether you are a fan of paranormal romance, someone seeking your soul mate, or simply want to know how psychic vampirism occurs in a love affair, then this book is for you.”
Dane Wigington of joins Alex to discuss the geoengineering of our skies and planet. For those skeptical about this, visit the google news section and type in “geoengineering” – They are talking about it now more than ever.
Over the years I have made a number of statements in regards to how solar flares affect human consciousness in a wide variety of ways. This one hour video features several different clips ranging form the 2008 time period to the 2013 time period.
Portland has a part of history that is now becoming more known now than ever. There were days when this town was especially dangerous to wander through (esp. intoxicated) and while being a transient. In the late 1800s, several ‘crimps’ in old Portland duped witless sailors, loggers, drunks (and others) into signing themselves into indentured servitude with their compliance or without it. This is the story of the things men and women did to other men and women for profit in this town of Portland, Oregon.
Matthew Stein joins Alex Ansary over skype video to discuss his books on preparedness and how they directly tie into the solar flare threat to the nuclear power grid. His article ‘Four Hundred Chernobyls: Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses and Nuclear Armageddon’can be read in full here. (Originally recorded in 2014).
“There’s never been a better time to “be prepared.” Matthew Stein’s comprehensive primer on sustainable living skills—from food and water to shelter and energy to first-aid and crisis-management skills—prepares you to embark on the path toward sustainability. But unlike any other book, Stein not only shows you how to live “green” in seemingly stable times, but to live in the face of potential disasters, lasting days or years, coming in the form of social upheaval, economic meltdown, or environmental catastrophe.
When Technology Fails covers the gamut. You’ll learn how to start a fire and keep warm if you’ve been left temporarily homeless, as well as the basics of installing a renewable energy system for your home or business. You’ll learn how to find and sterilize water in the face of utility failure, as well as practical information for dealing with water-quality issues even when the public tap water is still flowing. You’ll learn alternative techniques for healing equally suited to an era of profit-driven malpractice as to situations of social calamity. Each chapter (a survey of the risks to the status quo; supplies and preparation for short- and long-term emergencies; emergency measures for survival; water; food; shelter; clothing; first aid, low-tech medicine, and healing; energy, heat, and power; metalworking; utensils and storage; low-tech chemistry; and engineering, machines, and materials) offers the same approach, describing skills for self-reliance in good times and bad.
Fully revised and expanded—the first edition was written pre-9/11 and pre-Katrina, when few Americans took the risk of social disruption seriously—When Technology Fails ends on a positive, proactive note with a new chapter on “Making the Shift to Sustainability,” which offers practical suggestions for changing our world on personal, community and global levels.”
Here the radio version of a follow up 2015 interview:
There is an overemphasis on what is going to happen to the body and not enough attention on what happens to our souls as a result of our actions. For every action there is a reaction. We can measure this in the physical plane. Consider the nature of cause and effect in the spiritual plane.
Alex Ansary speaks with Mark Passio from his home in Philadelphia, PA during the 2013 Free Your Mind Conference. Mark’s website is
Look at the Sun’s activity and then look at world events from the macrocosm to the microcosm- We are at that point in the completion of this solar cycles and that is the reason WHY from the local to the international and beyond why this period of time might seem to heavy, intense, challenging or other.
Alex Ansary having a conversation with someone on the streets of Portland about going beyond the box of labels (and sub cultures) in order to break down the so called walls that divide us. Produced on 09/24/08.
Alex discusses the core differences between participating in your own individual shift in consciousness as opposed to focusing on a emotional expectation of a collective shift in consciousness. Recorded 08/13/12 in Dallas, TX.
Alex talks to some homeless protestors camped outside of city hall in Portland, Oregon. There were present to demonstrate their frustration with the city council’s decision to enforcement of a sit lie ordnance. They made their voices heard by moving their camps outside the city council’s doorstep.
Produced 3/15/07 @ Portland Community Media (Portland Cable Access Television).