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SC Police Officer Killed while Serving Warrant


A police officer in Greenville, S.C., was fatally shot Friday while serving a warrant, officials said, further increasing what has been a sharp rise in the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty this year.

“We lose, we hurt, we ache, we feel this,” Ken Miller, chief of the Greenville police, said Friday. “Our community will too. Nobody wants to lose their officers.”

Officers were “serving a warrant on a self-admitted gang member” at about 12:20 p.m. when the shooting occurred, Miller said during a news briefing Friday. This man ran away when he saw the officers, and as they chased him, the man turned and opened fire at them, hitting one officer multiple times, Miller said.

The person who shot the officer “continued to flee and…took his own life,” Miller said. He added: “And as I understand it, called his mother just prior to doing it.”

There were other officers waiting where the man was running, Miller said. This man — who was not identified — shot himself when he saw them, according to Miller.

Police were not immediately identifying the officer until his relatives could be informed, Miller said. While authorities attempted CPR on the officer who was shot, Miller said he was pronounced dead a short time later.

“I’ve come to know this officer and his work ethic, and found him to be an extraordinary person and officer,” Miller said. “He was dedicated as anybody could be dedicated.”

The Greenville police officer is the 14th officer fatally shot in the line of duty this year, according to the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, a nonprofit that tracks such deaths.

This toll is significantly up from the same time last year, when four officers had been shot and killed; one of these officers was accidentally shot during a training exercise.

Earlier this week, Jacai Colson — a 28-year-old undercover narcotics officer in Prince George’s County, Md. — was fatally shot during what police called an ambush outside of a police station. However, authorities soon said that Colson, who was wearing street clothes, was killed by a fellow officer who mistook him for the assailant.

Police officers have said they feel increasingly anxious amid ongoing protests over how law enforcement uses deadly force, though concerns about ambushes and being targeted predate these demonstrations.
“Some of these attacks have been launched by Islamic extremists or sovereign citizen types with a hatred of our government; others are being carried out by mentally deranged or cold blooded criminals who see police as the enemy,” Craig W. Floyd, chief executive of the memorial fund, said in a statement Friday. “In all cases, our officers are being targeted simply because of the badge that they wear and the job that they do.”

The circumstances surrounding these shootings this year have varied. A Philadelphia officer survived being ambushed by a man who later said he pledged loyalty to the Islamic State, police said. A sheriff’s deputy in Colorado was killed serving an eviction notice, while a Mississippi state narcotics officer was fatally shot when a home standoff turned violent. An officer in Utah was killed after someone who fled a car crash, and an Ohio officer was slain after police received a 911 call about a man targeting police.

More officers died on duty last year than in 2014, with the number rising to 124 officers in 2015 from 119 the year before, an increase that came from spikes in traffic-related deaths and job-related illnesses such as heart attacks, according to the memorial fund.

The number of officers fatally shot declined last year, as did the number of officers killed in “felonious incidents,” the memorial fund said in its annual report. There were 52 officers killed in felonious incidents, down from 61 deaths a year earlier, and 42 officers fatally shot, down from 49 the year before.

The number of officers fatally shot each year is significantly down from the 1970s, when an average of 127 officers were shot and killed each year. Between 2000 and 2009, an average of 57 officers were fatally shot each year.

Last year, the first officer killed by gunfire was John Gorman, director of investigations for the Mississippi Gaming Commission, who was accidentally killed in January 2015 during a training exercise. The first officer shot and killed by a suspect last year came three months later, when Georgia officer Terence A. Green was fatally shot in March.

In 2016, though, the first officers killed by gunfire died in January. While the number of officers fatally shot has risen, the number of officers who died in traffic accidents and from other causes is down from the same point last year.


LA Admits to Weather Modification to Make it Rains


The weather patterns have become cruel and extreme.

For California, it has meant outright desperation as water reserves disappear and needs for cities and farms have created a standing crisis.

Water and rainfall remain consequential to life as we know it. Mankind is no longer leaving it up to just praying for rain and waiting for a miracle.

Now, a company in the Los Angeles area has admitted that it was hired to seed the clouds and make it rain:

Via Daily Mail:

El Niño has brought some much needed rain to California in recent months, but a Los Angeles storm earlier this week may owe some credit to unnatural modifications.

For the first time since 2002, the Department of Public Works has turned to cloud seeding, using generators to shoot silver iodide into the clouds to produce more rain.

The county estimates that this produces roughly 15 percent more rainfall…

Cloud seeding is a weather modification process that aims to increase the amount of rain in a particular area.

According to the L.A. Times, this method has been used in the county to boost the amount of rain produced by clouds since the 1950s, taking a hiatus during heavy rains or periods of potential flooding from wildfire devastation.

And so, rain has increased in California by something like 15%, and L.A. is happy toget all the water it can.

But cloud seeding is not without its consequences – it could keep it from raining in the area downwind, or have other potentially disastrous effects:

The company says the method has no significant environmental effects, as the amount of the seeding materials used are very small in relation to the affected area.


It could have unintended consequences, including a change in precipitation or other environmental impact downwind of the target area, though such effects have not yet been demonstrated.

An earlier cloud seeding contract from 2009 was terminated in L.A. after the Station Fire, which destroyed about 250 square miles of the Angeles National Forest, L.A. Times writes.

Technology and money can make it happen, and there is reason to think much more is going on than just seeding clouds to bump the rainfall.

When it comes to blame for the drought and the environment in general, many are quick to point to the hyped-effects of global warming and climate change, which are supposedly attributed to the every day activity of people in mass.

But few are daring enough to look up at the sky and question the weather manipulation programs that have become common place and which are being carried out covertly on behalf of a shadowy agenda to control the weather, and the economic cloud that surrounds it.

Researcher Peter A. Kirby explains how a secret project on the scale of the Manhattan Project may have been incubated under government research projects to engineer the weather:

After so many years of watching airplanes produce the lines in the sky, largely without knowing of what this Project consists or why, we have recently gained an understanding. Evidence suggests that today’s chemtrail spraying operations consist of airplanes saturating our atmosphere with nano-sized particles influenced by electromagnetic energy for the purpose of weather modification.

U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere” shows how stratospheric and tropospheric aerosols can be manipulated using electromagnetic energy in order to modify the weather. The ground-based antennas (known as ionospheric heaters) needed to produce the appropriate electromagnetic energy exist. For a detailed discussion, please see the author’s previous article “Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection.”

The 1996 U.S. military document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” outlines a program using aerosols sprayed from airplanes which are then manipulated with electromagnetic energy in order to modify the weather.


Controlling Earth’s weather would necessarily require a gigantic scientific effort. Oddly enough, when one looks for a National effort in weather modification, one finds a lot. Specifically, if one looks, one can find a history of weather control programs involving electromagnetic energy and atmospheric particles; all in a coherent chronological order.

It is stunning to learn that there are means for manipulating aerosols with electromagnetic energy in effort to change weather patterns. But there are many scientific papers on the topic, and experiments to boot.

Many of these agencies are likely compartmentalized and don’t understand how they fit in to the larger project… but the truth is that most don’t want to know – along with the rest of the general public.

They don’t look up at the sky for the same reason they drag to work, and live an empty life. Most are too conditioned by fear to face the truth, whatever it proves to be.

For now, it is enough to point out that California is admittedly altering the weather in the hopes of catching up on its lost water.

But what are the true causes of the drought in the first place, and what other aspects of weather are being changed for the benefit of a few, and the detriment of entire populations?

Read more:

Drought Withering Away Any Chance of Recovery

NASA Warns California Drought Could Threaten U.S. Food Supply: “There will be some definite changes”

Water Wars Loom Over California As Farmers Lose Thousands of Jobs: “Wrestling Match Over Who Gets the Water”


Earth’s Magnetism Saved It From Solar Sterilization


When our sun was young, it was a very nasty star that erupted with “superflares” and blowtorched the inner solar system with powerful solar winds. Fortunately, the sun finally grew up and mellowed, reaching the calm(er) state it is now.

For early life on Earth, our planet’s magnetosphere likely provided much-needed protection against the stellar onslaught, facilitating the evolution of our thriving biosphere. And through the study of a nearby young sun-like star called Kappa Ceti, we now know how lucky we are to have such an effective global magnetic field.

Kappa Ceti is located only 30 light-years away in the constellation Cetus and astronomers estimate that it is 400-600 million years old.

This star may be sun-like, but it has a lot of growing up to do. At this early stage in its life cycle it is a tumultuous mess, erupting with powerful magnetic activity. Like a teenager going through adolescence, its uppermost layers are erupting with huge clusters of starspots, revealing the violent energy that is torturing its stellar interior.

The result is a star that is very, very angry, exploding with flares that release 10-100 million times more energy than the most powerful solar flare ever observed on our sun. In addition, Kappa Ceti’s stellar winds are 50 times more powerful than our sun’s solar wind, ripping through nearby space like a relentless plasma hurricane.

ANALYSIS: Visualizing Our Sun’s Messy Magnetic Mystery

We are in effect looking back in time at a star that would have resembled our sun billions of years ago. But to look at this star from afar, it would seem like an impossibility that any biology would survive on a hypothetical planet in orbit. And yet Earth’s biosphere braved the storm of our sun’s youth, a hint that it’s not good enough to have a planet orbiting a star within a star’s habitable zone; that planet needs its own magnetic shield.

“To be habitable, a planet needs warmth, water, and it needs to be sheltered from a young, violent sun,” said Jose-Dias Do Nascimento of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and University of Rio G. do Norte (UFRN), Brazil, and lead author of a study to be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Though it’s taken billions of years for the Earth’s magnetosphere to grow to the strength it is now, some estimates suggest that it was half as strong when the sun was at its most ferocious. But it was, apparently, enough. Around 4 billion years ago, basic life appeared on Earth and now we have an intelligent civilization thriving inside a rich and diverse biosphere. Earth’s magnetosphere did its job.

The Earth’s magnetosphere acts as an invisible shield, buffering the sun’s constant stream of energetic solar plasma. Solar storms do occur and often result in stunning auroral displays as these high-energy particles are magnetically diverted and rain down through the atmosphere at high latitudes. For the most part, life is safe from this ionizing radiation and the magnetosphere also prevents our dense atmosphere from being eroded away by the solar wind.

Alas, there is one example in the solar system that is the “poster child” of solar abuse. Mars either lost its global magnetic field early in its history or it never really held onto a sufficiently strong magnetosphere. It succumbed to the constant erosion of the solar wind and countless solar storms and we now know that its atmosphere is constantly bleeding into space. Its frigid atmosphere is 100th the pressure of Earth’s, so it was never given the chance to nurture complex life forms — as to whether it even supported the most basic microbial life remains to be seen.

So the next time you feel the sun’s heat on your skin, remember that it was our Earth’s global magnetic field that allowed life to gain a foothold, ultimately creating sentient life shielded from the worst our young sun could throw at it.


Nuclear Power Plants after an EMP


A large percentage of electricity goes into maintaining and cooling the spent fuel rods in a nuclear power plant installation. A prime example is a Nuclear Facility that may have one working (running) reactor and two that are shut down with spent fuel rods. This is not uncommon to find. Now, follow the reasoning: when the primary power shuts down and the backup is rendered inoperable, how is coolant water to be pumped to cool the spent fuel rods?

We saw what happened with Fukushima, and most of us remember the horror story that almost emerged with Three Mile Island nuclear power facility in Harrisburg, PA. The reason this is being mentioned here is that these things need to be taken into account with regard to your preparations. What good is it to make it through the initial nuclear attack when the attack renders your nearest nuclear power facility a ticking time bomb regarding spent fuel rods?


Kalamazoo Suspect: Uber App Controlled him ‘like A.I.’


We are beginning to see a stronger pattern of shooters reporting some form of mind control.

The 911 calls and arrest video from February’s massacre in Kalamazoo depict the horror and chaos as a gunman struck again and again, leaving six people dead.

Jason Dalton had his family dog in the car with him when he allegedly began his shooting rampage. Dalton apparently was working as an Uber driver and taking fares during his shooting spree. He blames the Uber app he was using for the violence, telling police after he was arrested Feb. 20 that the app took him over “like artificial intelligence that can tap into you body,” according to a police document.

He told police during a series of interviews “the iPhone could take you over.” He said he “wishes he would never have spoken what that symbol was when he saw it on his phone.”

According to the report, Dalton described the devil figure as a “horned cow head or something like that and then it would give you an assignment and it would literally take over your whole body.”


China Now In Control Of Global Silver Prices


China has been an unofficial price-setter for most metals over the past decade. And this week, the country became an official participant in setting prices for one of the world’s most important precious metals markets.

That’s the London Bullion Market silver price. Where one of China’s largest banks just became a member of an elite group of players that controls fluctuations in this key metal.

CME Group, which runs the process for price setting of silver in London, said Sunday that China Construction Bank will officially join as a member of the silver price process. Putting it alongside existing participants HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, The Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto Dominion Bank, and UBS.

These groups will now participate in price bids that go into setting the official London silver price. The first time that China will have direct influence on this process.

The expansion into China in itself is significant. And the entry of China Construction Bank into the market could also have some other important consequences for precious metals.

Especially when it comes to currencies. With the Chinese bank having said it will support the development of renminbi-denominated futures contracts for physical delivery in London.

Such products would represent the first time that physical silver can be bought and sold here in China’s home currency. A move that could reduce the longstanding relationship between the U.S. dollar and precious metals prices.

This is also a sign that precious metals markets are increasingly going international.Which makes sense, given that the world’s top consumers are places like China, India, Russia and Turkey.

This could be the start of further moves to increase metals markets influence in these parts of the world. Watch for more announcements, and for a possible breakdown in the USD/silver correlation as the renminbi contracts get going.

Here’s to a silver line-up…


Kim Jong Un: Nuke Warhead Test on the Way


Latest hostile measure comes after weeks of growing tensions between North Korea and the US-South Korea following Pyongyang’s recent nuclear and ballistic missile tests.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared that Pyongyang would conduct a nuclear warhead test in the coming days and test launch ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, the official KCNA news agency reported on Tuesday.

Kim made the announcement while supervising a successful simulated test of the atmospheric reentry of a ballistic missile that measured the “thermodynamic structural stability of newly-developed heat-resisting materials.”


Forth Worth Cop Caught Macing Bikers


BUSTED! This is a clear cut example of why some police do not want the public filming.

A police officer in Fort Worth was taken off patrol Monday after video surfaced showing him pepper-spraying passing bikers from the side of the road. WFAA reports that a force spokesman admitted “pepper-spraying drivers is not a department-endorsed tactic” and confirmed an investigation was underway.

In the edited video, which slows down and zooms in at one point, so viewers can see more clearly, the officer appears to spray something directly into oncoming traffic as he exits his vehicle. The bikers say it was pepper spray.… “His intent was to hit the bikers for sure, there’s no doubt about it,” Stone says.

The emerging defense appears to be “people were complaining about the bikers weaving,” as if pepper-spraying them at speed is going to make the roads safer.


Sex with Robots to be Normal by 2050


As man and machine merges more and more, we will see more humans turning to technology for love. In fact, it’s already begun.

David Levy and Adrian David Cheok, founders of the annual Congress on Love and Sex with Robots, assert we’re very close now to creating a sex robot, going as far as to say that such robots will be normalized by 2050. If recent press cycles are any indication, most of us believe this.

The self-aware humanoid we imagine when we think of a sex robot will need a variety of sensors to have an awareness of its environment. It will need to have a sophisticated artificial intelligence. It will need machine learning to respond to changes and negotiate situations outside its programing. It will need natural-language processing. To overcome the uncanny valley, its movements and expressions will have to be matched to human expectation. Its skin will require nanotechnology to replicate the lifelike lack of uniformity of human flesh, and its eyes will require a different nanotechnology to simulate the wetness of our own.

Sex robots are going to require multiple disciplines to come together because they’re not simply mechanized sleeves or dildos. Unlike a haptic dildo or robotic sleeve, sex robots are not going to be simple enough for a single genius to put together on their own.


Solar Flares and Human Consciousness Podcast


Here are some new years thoughts on the solar cycle and it’s impact on human affairs.

Wild Edible Hunt & Camping Fun in San Isabel National Forest


Disclaimer: I am not a trained edible plant instructor or expert – Most of what I was able to identify I did by watching other youtube videos and identifying the plants from there – – For now this is a idea of the abundance of wild edible and medicinal plants found in Southern Colorado and beyond – Feel free to leave any additional information on the plants seen in this video.

OTBTV with Alex Ansary #346 – Alex’s Last Show in Portland


[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/9oBLJIAJ6D8″]


The Interface between Geomagnetic Storms and the Theater of War


There are very strong patterns I have noticed over the years between world events and periods in which there are more solar flares – also, much of what the public is seeing today with the so-called geopolitical tensions is more of a theater for the public as the world is intentionally being divided at this time in order to user in this staged class of titans that will result in a more controlled and centralized superstate.

Thoughts on Solar Impact on Human Society and Consciousness


There are many ways in which humans are affected by the sun’s output and energy.

Alex on Jim’s Portland Cable Access Show


[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/vX-c0MiV13M”]

Richard and Jim host the ‘IPO’ a show on cable access that occasionally spotlights the work of other cable access producers. Our discussion begins after the 30 minute mashup featuring various clips of OTBTV that were produced between 2014 and 2015.