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Alex Explains Mass Mind Control through Network TV and Social Media Networks


A group in Russia contacted me with some questions about my thoughts on mind control. This video is my response.

Archon Podcast: Peacefully Handing Negative Influences, People


One of the most important things to remember is to not react as the negative person or entity wants us to react.

What about the Archons? A Continuous Conversation on Unseen Forces…


This is a ongoing talk that has no beginning and no end.

Mysterious illness that can cause hallucinations hits Coos Bay


Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/health/index.ssf/2016/10/mysterious_illness_that_can_ca.html

A mysterious illness that can cause hallucinations has struck Coos Bay.

It all started Tuesday afternoon when a caregiver who works with a 78-year-old woman called 911. She reported that seven or eight people were trying to take the roof off her vehicle.

A deputy who showed up found nothing amiss, said Sgt. Patrick Downing, spokesman for the Coos Bay Sheriff’s Office.

The caregiver, 52, called back early Wednesday, reporting the same thing. This time the deputy who responded figured something was wrong and arranged to have another deputy with a more suitable vehicle take the caregiver to Coos Bay Hospital  on a mental health hold, Downing said.

Not long after the two deputies reported feeling nauseous, light-headed and euphoric. The elderly woman also came down with symptoms.

Everyone was hospitalized.

A haz-mat team checked the house but found nothing suspicious.

They figure it was the fentanyl, a powerful narcotic.

The 78-year-old woman uses fentanyl patches. Though all of the patches were accounted for, the deputies figured they still ended up being affected anyway, Downing said.

“They think they got exposed from handling and being in the same room with everybody,” he said.

The deputies have been discharged from the hospital. They’ll be assigned to desk duties for now. The caregiver is still hospitalized. Downing doesn’t know whether the elderly woman is still hospitalized.

He’s moved on to dealing with other strange incidents.

— Lynne Terry



Drone with grabbing claw arms can lift 44 pounds



Claw arms hardly make a drone look less terrifying, but they could make it more useful. That’s the promise of Prodrone’s latest hoverbot, the snappily-named PD6B-AW-ARM.

This claw-handed drone can fly up to 6 km per hour and stay in the air for 30 minutes. Using its two five-axis robotic arms, it can lift a whopping 44 pounds, which is the equivalent of a four-year-old child. The Japanese drone-maker says its eerie new toy will have a range of industrial uses, from lifting cargo to cutting cables — but could also drop a lifesaving buoy.

Perhaps most striking is the drone’s ability to perch, crow-like, on a railing — using its claw arms to balance itself. Check that out in the promo video below, and excuse us while we install anti-claw metal sheeting on our windows and rucksacks.

Evidence that the Moon Contributes to Earthquakes



An almost-full, half-pie, waxing moon hanging lopsided in the night sky has long been a symbol of things to come. Now scientists have a new symbolism for the lunar phase we call first quarter: a looming risk of earthquakes.

The moon is (mostly) responsible for Earth’s tides, which are strongest when the sun and moon are aligned, during a full moon or a new moon. It’s small, the moon, but so close that its gravity stretches and compresses the water across the globe, into high and low tides called spring and neap tide, respectively. It pulls on the Earth’s crust, too, but only a tiny bit, especially compared to the breath-like rise and fall of an ocean.

Still, scientists have wondered for years whether the moon might play a role in earthquakes, which are essentially movements of the Earth’s crust atop its mantle. It would make sense that the moon’s gravity could tug at a fault in the crust, especially one that is already close to failing and slipping. But going back to the 1800s, nobody had demonstrated firm evidence for this. A new study gets closer to drawing this link.

Studying data from the past two decades, Satoshi Ide and colleagues from the University of Tokyo measured the timing of high tides and reconstructed the amplitude of the moon’s pull at those times, focusing on the two weeks prior to large earthquakes. They measured the amplitude of the tides against the timing of those quakes, and found some of the largest and most devastating earthquakes in recent memory happened when the Earth’s crust was under the highest tidal stress.

Ide and colleagues noticed the Dec. 26, 2004 Sumatran earthquake, most notable for its horrendous, deadly tsunami, occurred near the time of full moon and spring tide. So did the Feb. 27, 2010 temblor in Maule, Chile. These quakes both happened close to the peak of tidal stress, when the moon and sun teamed up to exert the greatest gravitational influence over Earth. The March 11, 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in Japan, which caused that country’s devastating tsunami, occurred during the neap tide, but the tidal stress was high at that time.

The study couldn’t find any correlation between the tides and small earthquakes, but previous research has suggested there’s a link there, too. Nicholas Van Der Elst, a seismologist with the US Geological Survey, published a study in July that looked at low-frequency earthquakes in the notorious San Andreas fault, and found they were more likely to occur during the moon’s waxing phase—which we’re in at the moment—when the tide increases in size at the fastest rate.

The mechanisms underlying this connection are not clear, however. The moon’s pull causes tidal disruptions that are orders of magnitude lower than those experienced in an earthquake. And not every change in tide comes with an attendant earthquake. Part of the problem is that scientists still don’t know exactly what causes a major earthquake. But one theory holds that they begin as smaller fractures that build up via a cascading process.

“We know from studying rock friction in the laboratory that the fault does not go from locked up to sliding in an instant. It can take hours, days, or even longer for the fault to really come un-glued, even when the stress has exceeded the supposed strength,” says Van Der Elst.

The deep tremors that can lead to major earthquakes can be very sensitive to tidal stress changes, according to Ide and colleagues. “The probability of a tiny rock failure expanding to a gigantic rupture increases with increasing tidal stress levels,” they say.

In other words, during a new moon or full moon, a small increase in tidal stress might be enough to encourage a very small fracture into a major earthquake.

But that’s only if the research holds up, as seismologists continue to pore over larger data sets. Ide and colleagues point out that at least three other quakes in November 2006, January 2007 and September 2007, were not correlated with times of large tidal stress. “What about the next few earthquakes? We will have to wait and see,” says Van Der Elst.

Not all large earthquakes are caused by the moon’s movements. But some of them might be, and so we’d do well to pay closer attention to the subtle yet powerful ways in which the moon exerts its influence on our planet, especially in regions prone to earthquakes. Scientists may have use for ancient omens yet.

Don’t Move to Portland; It’s the Worst



With recent news about anti-California stickers being placed on Portland’s real estate listings, and growing animosity against newcomers, Portland’s official motto should be changed to “Don’t move to Portland” instead of “Keep Portland Weird” (which was stolen from Austin, by the way).

Oregonians have long been wary of outsiders, preferring to isolate themselves from the rest of the country. One of Portland’s most beloved governors, Tom McCall, famously said, “I urge them to come and come many, many times to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. But I also ask them, for heaven’s sake, don’t move here to live.” This mentality has prevailed since his term in office during the 1970s. And it’s easy to see why—Oregon has been ranked the top moved-to state two years in a row, causing a housing crisis, a growing divide between rich and poor, and highways that are at capacity—creating the longest commute times Portland has ever experienced.

Now young people everywhere dream of moving to Portland instead of Los Angeles or New York. Can you really blame them? The sunbelt is out and the Pacific Northwest is in. For three years in a row, Portland was the only American city to make Monocle’s annualQuality of Life survey, and it keeps getting more media attention.

Because of all the hype surrounding Portland, its reputation exceeds it. Portland is not the free-spirited utopia “Portlandia” or “The New York Times” makes it out to be. Portland used to be a place that attracted social pariahs, vagrants, recluses, DIY artists and gun-toting hippies who were otherwise too weird to function in a “normal” city. The new crop of transplants are trustifarians who majored in underwater basket weaving, tech bros who sold their condos in Palo Alto, Brooklyn hipster runoff and rich vegan couples from SoCal who have changed the essence of the city.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the days of packing up your belongings and guitar with $100 in your pocket, and surviving as a part-time barista in the Rose City are long gone. So before you chase the dream of the 90s in Portland with stars in your eyes, consider these factors before making the move.

Portland is More Expensive Than You Think

Once known as the last “affordable” west-coast city, that label is no longer applicable anymore. Now, cost of living in Portland is pretty much on par with Seattle—and rising. Many speculate it will soon be just as expensive as San Francisco.

Renter’s (and Homebuyer’s) Hell

Finding a job isn’t the hardest part of living in Portland; it’s finding a place to live. Portland currently has one of the lowest vacancy rates in the country at around 3 percent, a statistic that continues to worsen. Once an apartment opens up, expect to compete with hundreds of other applicants for the same place. And homebuyers don’t have it any easier—listings within the metro area are being snapped up within minutes, and many are going for thousands over asking price. Making matters worse, buyers from more expensive cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York are selling their homes and paying in cash for property in Portland. Because of Portland’s Urban Growth Boundary, expanding the city outward is impossible, which makes land scarce.

There’s No Beach Culture

Although Oregon is a left-coast state, the cities near the ocean are pretty much dead. The majority of residents along Oregon’s coast are retirees, which means finding a job outside of a nursing home is incredibly hard. To make matters worse, the Pacific Northwest waters are far too cold to swim in. You will never see a tan, bleach-blonde surfer riding the waves in Oregon, because they would freeze their asses off. Beach bums who want to swim must wear wetsuits year round.

Endless Traffic Congestion



A new study shows Portland has the 10th worst traffic congestion in the United States, tying with Washington D.C. Despite being the 28th most populous city, Portland’s traffic is far worse than it should be. Anyone who commutes in Portland will tell you how awful it is.

Full-time Jobs are Hard to Come By

Although Portland’s unemployment rate is improving, the statistics don’t factor in people who have given up trying to find employment, nor do they consider part-time workers. Sure, there are ample jobs for highly qualified engineers, but everyone else is sh*t out of luck.

Growing Inequality

Portland is quickly becoming a playground for the rich. Homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks next to shiny new high-rises make up a common scene. According to Oregon Business, wage inequality keeps growing, and Portland is facing a very real homeless crisis.

Below Mediocre School System

Oregon has one of the worst public school systems in the country, and Portland-area colleges pale in comparison to other cities like Boston and even Chicago. In fact, Oregon has the worst graduation rate in the nation. If you have kids and are thinking of moving to Portland, better save up for an expensive private school.

Hardest Place to Make a Living

According to USA Today, Portland is the second most difficult place in the country to make a living behind Hawaii in 2015; plummeting 11 spots from 2014. Although the cost of living is cheaper than places like San Francisco or Boston, the average wages don’t make up for it. “The state’s cost of living index is nearly 30 percent above the national average at 128.5. The average income is $46,850. In addition to high unemployment, Oregon has one of the highest rates of workplace safety incidents in the nation (4.2 workplace incidents per 100 workers). In March 2015, Oregon noted there was a slight rise in worker fatalities in 2014 from the previous year. The estimated state tax on average income is $3,981.50.”

A Great Place for Amphibious Albinos

It’s common knowledge that the Pacific Northwest is dark, damp, and rainy for most of the year. If you’re a sun-worshipper, Portland probably isn’t for you. On the bright side, if you have a sun allergy and thrive in wet environments, you just might make it.

Contrived Quirkiness

Don’t expect to be greeted by Fred Armisen while browsing for vintage doilies at the doily store, because that Portland only exists on IFC. But if you think buying kombucha at Whole Foods and cardigans at American Apparel is authentic, then move to Portland! The former authenticity of what made Portland great has now been replaced with superficial attempts at eccentricity by people who want to recreate a cliche.

Impending Doom

In case you haven’t heard, the entire Pacific Northwest is bound for a deadly earthquake. In The New Yorker article “The Really Big One”, Northwest FEMA Director Kenneth Murphy estimates that 13,000 people will die in what’s called the “Cascadia Earthquake and Tsunami.” Another 2,500 people are expected to be hurt in the devastating earthquake. Andrew Phelps, director of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management said, “You’d be pretty hard-pressed to find a hazard of this magnitude that could essentially cut off lifelines and supply chains and structures for two weeks.”

He adds, once the “really big one” hits, Portlanders would experience up to six minutes of shaking. Afterwards, come landslides, then a 50-foot high tsunami, and forest fires.

“Along the coast, it’s going to be a bad day for the state of Oregon, that’s for sure,” Phelps said. “But again, you can’t do everything to prevent hazards, but we can try to prevent those hazards from becoming disasters.”


Thinking of moving to Portland? Don’t. 

Money Is Not Your Enemy or a Goal, It’s a Tool


Kristin Wong

Most of us don’t have a healthy relationship with money. We think of it as enemy—something that constantly gets in our way, or we think of it as a goal, something that will solve all of our problems. In reality, money is just a tool. Realizing this changed my habits in some interesting ways.

It’s easy to say “money is just a tool” when you have a lot of it, though. When you don’t, it feels impossible to look at money this way because so many of our problems are money problems, and those problems are big: you can’t afford rent, you can’t afford to leave your terrible job, you can’t afford to travel outside of your neighborhood. It’s impossible to see money as a tool because money is an enemy. Or, like me, you see money as a goal, a solution, and you allow it to run your life.

Money is not the enemy or the goal, though. It’s just a thing you use on your priorities. Sometimes your priority is just keeping your head above water and paying rent. You depend on money in this case, but it’s still a tool.

The truth is, though, those problems don’t magically go away just because you say, “okay, money’s a tool.” You still have the same problems, you still have to pay rent, but this perspective is crucial for one big reason: it helps you feel in control. It chips away at fear and makes room for you to shift into the driver’s seat. Even if the process is gradual, that shift is what changes your situation. Here are some examples of how that works.

It’s Easier to Come Up With a Strategy

It’s hard to make money plans when you’re afraid of money. You don’t bother budgeting your spending because looking at your bank account gives you anxiety. You don’t bother crunching the numbers because they never add up, and even if they do, it’s impossible to stick to. You chalk it all up to being impossible. When you think of money as a tool, you can focus on solutions over emotions, because there are clear ways to best use that tool. This post from author Carl Richards changed my perspective, and in it, he explains:

This shift in thinking is definitely subtle, but it changes our feelings about saving and spending. We no longer need to think in terms of good and bad, positive or negative. We’re focused on the outcome of our actions.

Richards really says it well here—it’s just a mindset shift, but it’s a mindset shift that’s focused on action, and when it comes to personal finance, that’s everything.

It starts with a meaningful goal. Money itself is not the goal. You have to know how you plan to use that money. Is it to feed your family? Pay down debt, or outstanding medical bills? Travel? Either way, when you know the end goal, you can work on your strategy for using money to reach that goal. Your plan might be:

When you think of money as a resource or a tool, that implies it’s to be used, so in a way, you give yourself permission to use it. Yes, it takes a lot of work, and it’s not exactly easy to use, but it’s a lot easier to come up with a plan when you think of money in these terms instead of as a roadblock, even if it feels that way.

You Get Over the Guilt of Spending

We all know that it often pays to splurge on quality. For example, a University of Michigan study tracked toilet paper purchases of more than 100,000 American households for seven years. The study found that high income households bought toilet paper on sale 39% of the time, compared to 28% for low income households. High income households also bought more rolls on average compared to low income households.

Overall, low income households paid about 6% extra per sheet. Here’s what the study concluded:

the inability to buy in bulk inhibits the ability to time purchases to take advantage of sales, and the inability to accelerate purchase timing to buy on sale inhibits the ability to buy in bulk. We find that the financial losses low income households incur due to underutilization of these strategies can be as large as half of the savings they accrue by purchasing cheaper brands.

To be fair, when you’re living hand to mouth, you can’t always afford to buy quality. Even when you can afford it, though, some of us still have a hard time paying the extra cash. For a long time, I had a problem with this. I’ve always been afraid of spending money because I’m afraid of not having it. I feel guilty for spending more than I have to spend, even if it’s on something as simple as toilet paper. Again, Richards says it really well:

Tools are meant to be used. They’re not meant to sit on a shelf and collect dust. Instead of thinking in terms of saving and spending money, I started to think of using it….Money is meant to be used, to be in motion. It circulates from us to other people then back to us again. Even when we save money, we’re simply storing it for use later. When we use money today, we’re not spending it or blowing it. We’re using the best tool available to get the job done…

I realized I had a bad habit of idealizing money, which made me feel guilty for spending it. I realized I could be frugal and still spend lavishly because frugality isn’t about saving money: it’s about using money, as a tool, efficiently. Sometimes buying quality is just an efficient way of using that tool.

Since learning to look at money as a tool, I’ve also noticed that it’s much easier to resist impulsive spending.

We’ve talked about prioritizing your spending before, but sometimes it’s still hard to resist, even though you know that phone upgrade isn’t a priority. I’m aware that there’s a wrong way to use this tool and I’m aware it can screw up the way I use it in other areas: it’s a limited resource. This practical awareness makes it a lot easier to resist.

Saving Money and Making More Money Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

To increase the amount of cash in your bank account, you can save more of what you already make, or you can earn more cash. For a long time, I thought of the two as mutually exclusive—do I save more or do I earn more?

When money is the goal, it’s natural to think in these terms. When my mindset shifted, though, I realized saving more and earning more were just methods I could use to reach my larger, more meaningful goals: to support a family, to travel more, and to have more time to work on my own creative projects. I could save more and earn more to facilitate my goals.

I could also pinpoint when saving more and earning more became counterproductive. Sometimes, these methods actually hurt rather than helped my goals. For example, some money saving habits were a complete waste of my time. My goal was to have more free time to work on my own projects, so this became counterproductive. Sometimes I’d take on work I didn’t enjoy just for the extra cash. That was counterproductive, too, because I had less time to spend on my projects.

In short, viewing money as a tool helped me prioritize my goals and weed out the inefficient ways of using that tool to accomplish those goals.

How to Shift to Thinking of Money As a Tool

Personal finance has everything and nothing to do with money. It’s about learning how to use money in the best way possible to live the life you want.

Of course, “think of money as a tool” is a lot easier said than done. Even now, after being fully inspired by Richards’ post, I struggle not to idealize money. A few things have helped keep my brain in check, though.

  1. Define What Matters: Since money is not the goal, it helps to know what the goal actually is. This is why a lot of financial planners start clients off with a single question: why? Again, it helps to give your budget a clear goal. This way, your money decisions are filtered through that goal, which helps ensure they really do benefit you in the best way possible.
  2. Create Spending Priorities: It also helps to make a list of the spending that brings you the most joy. Aside from your needs, that’s going to be the best way to use your income. This means prioritizing the things you love. For example, I like going out to eat, but I love visiting my family back home. Since money is just a tool, I have to figure out how to use efficiently, and that means spending less on restaurants so I can use it to save up for trips back home. When you define these priorities, it’s a lot easier to use the tool efficiently.
  3. Take Small Steps: Again, “money is a tool” is a lot more difficult when you’re struggling to get by. Any goals just seem insurmountable compared to the income you have to use toward those goals. It helps to focus on small steps and tiny actions.

Breaking up your goals into smaller milestones can make them a little less overwhelming. If you’re trying to pay off $40,000 worth of student loan debt, for example, think about your payoff in terms of years or even months or weeks. $50 a week is a lot more doable than $40,000, and again, while this is just a mindset shift, it makes your goal a lot more action-focused. When you’re focused on action, you’re more likely to take action and feel in control. It makes it a lot easier to see money as a practical tool rather than some scary milestone.

For most of us, money is symbolic of something much larger than it actually is. It reminds us that we don’t have enough. It reminds of the things we can’t afford to do. At its core, though, money really is just a tool. It can be a powerful one, especially when you don’t have enough of it. A simple shift in mindset isn’t going to change your financial situation overnight, but it’s a necessary step in getting your finances under control.

Contemplations on Surviving Ongoing Spiritual Warfare


Much of the problems of our world today stem from spiritual warfare directed at the human population.

1 in 6 Working Age Males have No Job



One in six working age males in America has no job.

** Barack Obama is also the first president on record to not see a single year of 3% GDP growth.
The latest quarterly GDP rate was 1.1 percent.

NPR reported:

At 4.9 percent, the nation’s unemployment rate is half of what it was at the height of the Great Recession. But that number hides a big problem: Millions of men in their prime working years have dropped out of the workforce — meaning they aren’t working or even looking for a job.

It’s a trend that’s held true for decades and has economists puzzled.

In the 1960s, nearly 100 percent of men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. That’s fallen over the decades.

In a recent report, President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers said 83 percent of men in the prime working ages of 25-54 who were not in the labor force had not worked in the previous year. So, essentially, 10 million men are missing from the workforce.

“One in six prime-age guys has no job; it’s kind of worse than it was in the depression in 1940,” says Nicholas Eberstadt, an economic and demographic researcher at American Enterprise Institute who wrote the book Men Without Work: America’s Invisible Crisis. He says these men aren’t even counted among the jobless, because they aren’t seeking work.

Eberstadt says little is known about the missing men. But there are factors that make men less likely to be in the labor force — a lack of college degree, being single, or being black…

…Indeed, economists say technology and overseas competition are displacing many jobs.

Spiritual Warfare on the Earth during Soul Harvesting Season


There is a specific reason why the forces of darkness operating this political circus are working to entrap the souls of men.

Off Grid Thoughts on Manufactured Civil Unrest During Solar Maximum


Much of the unrest we are seeing today is by design and correlates with solar maximum.

Google Developing Robot Uprising “Kill Switch”



Those concerned about a robot uprising in the future may be able to rest a little easier, as Google is working on a “kill switch” to prevent robots from turning on their masters.

While Google continues to create more intuitive artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and repeatedly shows us just why robots might turn on humanity, the tech giant has published a new paper detailing the development of “Safely Interruptible Agents” to prevent robots from doing things that they shouldn’t.

AI allows robots to learn from their own experiences. Researchers acknowledge that as they develop and learn, “it’s unlikely for AI agents to behave in an optimal manner all the time, especially in the real world interaction.”

The paper outlines algorithms developed by Google’s DeepMind team, which also created the company’s AlphaGo computer, saying that they will insure that humans can always “press the big red button” and override a robot’s actions.

Build robots with emergency kill switch that can be triggered remotely. Any attempt to tamper with kill switch will power robot off.

Researchers also claim the system would prevent robots from learning to ignore human intervention, which they describe as “an undesirable outcome.”

“Safe interruptibility can be useful to take control of a robot that is misbehaving and may lead to irreversible consequences, or to take it out of a delicate situation, or even to temporarily use it to achieve a task it did not learn to perform or would not normally receive rewards for,” the researchers say.

Let’s just hope the robots of the future don’t figure out that they have been equipped with a kill switch and then create their own robots without them.

Health Tip Suggestion: More People Should Travel, Camp to Reconnect with Themselves


Its important to step back from the grind and experience raw nature.

Board Game Predicted 911, Now Says WW3 Imminent


What has observers on the edge of their seat is how many times the Steve Jackson’s Illuminati card game has predicted things that have already come to pass.

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Board Game says World War 3 imminent

Steve Jackson’s Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy was originally released in 1982, and many believe the game has already predicted major events that have come to pass, including: the 9/11 attacks, Princess Diana’s death, and the Japanese tsunami. 

Worryingly, the game predicts that we are about to experience an “imminent” nuclear attack that will spark the beginning ofWorld War 3.

The image below was drawn on a card taken from the 1990s board game showing what appears to be an eerie representation of the 9/11 terror attacks – years before it actually occurred.


Express.co.uk reports:


The Illuminati – most famously featured in Dan Brown’s novels – is an alleged secret group made up of the world’s elite who conspiracy theorists claim are plotting to introduce a “new world order” which will give them total control over all of us.

The fact that a game about such a shady society appears to have predicted the world’s worst terror strike has given conspiracy theorists more fuel than they could have ever dreamed of.

One theory regularly touted by conspiracy theorists – known as 9/11 truthers – is that the atrocity was actually orchestrated by the Illuminati through US intelligence services to garner support for the series of wars which then unfolded in the Middle East.

The card in question, printed in 1995, looks strikingly similar to images of the 9/11 attacks in New York that spread across the globe, with an explosion ripping through the middle of one of the buildings.

About 3,000 people died after a series of al-Qaeda terror attacks on US soil on September 11, 2001.

Two hijacked passenger jets were deliberately flown into both towers of the World Trade Centre in Manhattan causing them to collapse onto the city below.

Where the “prediction” falls down is there is no mention of planes being used and the card itself is described as the “Terrorist Nuke” card.

The top of the building is also tipping to the right, suggesting it could be about to collapse.

Another card called “Pentagon” shows the US defence HQ burning.


The Pentagon was also targeted the same day, suffering serious damage after a commercial plane was flown into its side.

But one conspiracy theory is that the planes were a decoy and the twin towers were actually blown up with a pre-planted nuclear device.

A new article about the cards was published by www.cuttingedge.org, a website which says it gives “spiritual insights into the New World Order”.

The author of the piece wrote: “How in the world did Steve Jackson know that the Twin Towers were going to be attacked?

“This card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail.

“The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers.

“The caption at the top properly identifies the perpetrators of the attack as “terrorists”

“The Twin Towers were not destroyed by a terrorist nuclear device, or were they?

“Was a micro-nuclear device used at the base of the Twin Towers?

“That kind of small, but nuclear, explosion would account for the sudden manner the reinforced concrete and steel shell simply crumbled into dust as it fell.”

Turning to the Pentagon card, he added: “When I saw this card, immediately after seeing the Twin Tower picture, my blood froze! Unless one had advanced knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995 that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11.”

Some claim that Mr Jackson somehow obtained a copy of the Illuminate’s master plan and used the roleplaying industry to leak it to the world.

This theory is further fuelled by the fact the US secret service DID raid his business address before the game was released.

The cutting edge report added: “He got a surprise visit from the Secret Service, who tried their best to shut him down and prevent him from publishing his game.”

According to Mr Jackson’s website, a large amount of equipment was seized, including four computers, two laser printers, hard disks and hardware.

The investigation was into suspected “fraud” in connection with alleged hacking.

But a judge threw out the case and awarded Steve Jackson Games $50,000 plus $250,000 costs.

So what is predicted next?

If you believe all this stuff, then worryingly it is World War III.

The “World War III” card gives players the chance to unleash another global conflict to usher in a New World Order, which is also featured on it.

A large drawing of a mushroom cloud – suggesting a third global war will be nuclear – takes up most of the card.

Hopefully this is not a stark prediction of what is in store.

Another card warns of a huge asteroid strike.

The last two cards predict the rise of the anti-Christ, followed by the Rapture.