Alex Explains Mass Mind Control through Network TV and Social Media Networks
A group in Russia contacted me with some questions about my thoughts on mind control. This video is my response.
Archon Podcast: Peacefully Handing Negative Influences, People
One of the most important things to remember is to not react as the negative person or entity wants us to react.
What about the Archons? A Continuous Conversation on Unseen Forces…
This is a ongoing talk that has no beginning and no end.
Mysterious illness that can cause hallucinations hits Coos Bay
A mysterious illness that can cause hallucinations has struck Coos Bay.
It all started Tuesday afternoon when a caregiver who works with a 78-year-old...
Drone with grabbing claw arms can lift 44 pounds
Claw arms hardly make a drone look less terrifying, but they could make it more useful. That's the promise of Prodrone's latest hoverbot, the...
Evidence that the Moon Contributes to Earthquakes
An almost-full, half-pie, waxing moon hanging lopsided in the night sky has long been a symbol of things to come. Now scientists have...
Don’t Move to Portland; It’s the Worst
With recent news about anti-California stickers being placed on Portland's real estate listings, and growing animosity against newcomers, Portland’s official motto should be changed...
Money Is Not Your Enemy or a Goal, It’s a Tool
Kristin Wong
Most of us don’t have a healthy relationship with money. We think of it as enemy—something that constantly gets in our way, or...
Contemplations on Surviving Ongoing Spiritual Warfare
Much of the problems of our world today stem from spiritual warfare directed at the human population.
1 in 6 Working Age Males have No Job
One in six working age males in America has no job.
Millions of men in their prime working years have dropped out of the...
Spiritual Warfare on the Earth during Soul Harvesting Season
There is a specific reason why the forces of darkness operating this political circus are working to entrap the souls of men.
Off Grid Thoughts on Manufactured Civil Unrest During Solar Maximum
Much of the unrest we are seeing today is by design and correlates with solar maximum.
Google Developing Robot Uprising “Kill Switch”
Those concerned about a robot uprising in the future may be able to rest a little easier, as Google is working on a...
Health Tip Suggestion: More People Should Travel, Camp to Reconnect with Themselves
Its important to step back from the grind and experience raw nature.
Board Game Predicted 911, Now Says WW3 Imminent
What has observers on the edge of their seat is how many times the Steve Jackson's Illuminati card game has predicted things that have...